making the crib mattress more comfortable

In my FTM (first time mom) SIDS phobia obsession, I bought probably the hardest mattress on the face of the earth - the Colgate Classica Foam (Baby Bargains was my bible). The mattress is seriously hard as a rock. DD (dear daughter) and I have been co-sleeping for the past month or so (long story) and I need to transition her back to her crib.
Of course, I'm sure she's gotten used to the much more comfortable regular mattress now - If I was her, I certainly wouldn't want to sleep on that hard surface.In an effort to ease the transition back to the crib, I'd like to use a pillow top or a cushy mattress cover or something to make it more comfortable. Anyone use anything that they like/recommend to make LO's mattress more comfortable? The water proof mattress pads I sintered have (all 3 of them) basically don't do anything to add much comfort.
There's a slight "quilt" to the ones I have, but the mattress certainly doesn't feel any softer. Sophie (Nov '09) and Alex (Dec '11)I am so glad I came across this thread. I thought I was the only one who was having this problem.
I was afraid to come clean about it in fear that some people might give me a huge guilt trip (not that I don't feel badly as is). My son recently turned one on 12/16/10. We've been co-sleeping because he will not sleep in his crib. I too have noticed that he will sleep completely fine and through the night on my bed or in his newborn-to-toddler chair.
He'll even take a nap on the floor on top of a fleece blanket (he sleeps on his back). I believe he does not like his crib mattress because it is too firm. My friend recommended that I soften it up a bit by placing a soft, thin blanket under the fitted sheet.
I was totally fine with this then of course got a little worried (my mind started going). But I see many moms have done it on here, too. I am going to start with a thin fleece blanket and see how that works.
I really would love for him to sleep in his crib eventually. I am so happy knowing I'm not alone with this. Thanks!lilbrownie141 said:we had to switch our mattress from the infant to toddler side at 6 months or .
..Posted10/18/2010we had to switch our mattress from the infant to toddler side at 6 months or he would not sleep on it....even the toddler side is really firm...we bought a quilted mattress pad and if i can find its name, ill give it to added a decent amount of softness.May I please ask what was the quilted mattress pad you used for your baby I know it's been 4 years since you posted your comment but printer im in the same situation as the lady who posted her question.
Thank you so much!uggamuggalogan said:May I please ask what was the quilted mattress pad you used for your baby I k...Posted10/25/2014May I please ask what was the quilted mattress pad you used for your baby I know it's been 4 years since you posted your comment but im in the same situation as the lady who posted her question. Thank you so much!I will try to figure out the name of it.
I'm sure it's packed away with my crib stuff but we have just moved so god knows where it all is lolMy crazy man: Alexander Frank...December 4 2009 My sweetheart: Benjamin Isaac...May 21 2012 My baby love: Caleb Joseph.....January 10 2018Just FYI (for your information) you might want to google what FTM (first time mom) means and not use it any more.
Prtnernlove said:Just FYI you might want to google what FTM means and not use it any more.Posted10/09/2017Just FYI you might want to google what FTM means and not use it any more.?? I'm curious why she couldn't use FTM. K 12/25/2009M 09/14/2016Angel baby 11/7/2017Prtnernlove sintered said:Just FYI you might want to google what FTM means and not use it any more.
Posted10/09/2017Just FYI you might want to google what FTM means and not use it any more.Prtnernlove, you don't seem like an active member of this community, but I'll play ball anyway. Here at BabyCenter, FTM (first time mom) (first time mom) stands for First Time Mom, as BBC's acronym helper would tell you.
While 'FTM', like most other acronyms in existence, has multiple meanings, context is important. This is a community of parents (mostly mothers), made to discuss our pregnancies and children. Thus, it stands to reason that FTM (first time mom) (first time mom) here doesn't mean Flight Test Mission, Functional Tone Management, or the other 33 possibilities listed in the acronym dictionary: acronyms.
com/FTM (Full Time Mom could be relevant though). And this list isn't exhaustive, since I don't see Flying Time Machine on it, but neither do I see anything that should make the OP (original poster) (original poster) not use the FTM (first time mom) (first time mom) acronym... except that she may have more than one child now, since the original post is from 2010.
DD born early March 20172 Was Team Green; DD2! EDD 12/15/18, born 12/21maji1228 said:My problem with this is that the mattresses are made to be safe and the corre...Posted10/18/2010My problem with this is that the mattresses are made to 3d be safe and the correct amount of support for a baby so adding something soft might screw up the LOs body. I know you aren't making it super soft, but they wouldn't make specific baby mattresses if it wasn't important.
We bought one that is for babies on one side and turning it over is for a toddler (I need to look at what age I should turn it). I would honestly do some research and see if softer is not as good for them, they are still growing a ton and the smallest things could mess up their backs or something.There are many things made for babies that are either going off of an outdated idea or just weren't as effective as they thought.
... Like walkers.
Walkers aren't helping babies like they think. I figured that out before most people. My now 12 year old learned to walk watching SpongeBob lol. Meaning she was crusing along the couch and SpongeBob was on TV.
He caught her attention and I guess she was drawn to him printer because she started walking right towards him. I was frozen cause I didn't wanna break her focusThanks SpongeBob! Babies aren't like babies from many years ago. Time for some new research. Hard as a rock beds don't seem right to me ESPECIALLY when in life different people need different types of mattresses for their body type I was the same as you,I am a first-time mom too; I search a lot about it because I was scared, for adding an extra layer but I really found a great one in Amazon,(agugu) this company is using organic cotton, waterproof and breathable.
I bought one first to try it, then I bought a second one for those accidents and I love them. It


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