eco-friendly bamboo cabinets for the kitchen

googletag.display("div-ad-articleLeader");Credit: cabinetselectionBamboo cabinets, made from the eco-friendly and highly versatile bamboo wood plant, seems to attract a lot of positive attention and response amongst the 21st century 'green' savvy homeowners. The current trend of adopting the use of bamboo products and cabinets for kitchens and bathrooms stems from the fact that bamboo, a sustainable and renewable resource, has lately become not only an aesthetically pleasing option to traditional hardwood cabinets, but the perfect material for the production of furniture, décor items and cabinets that are beautifully crafted. Bamboo Wood Kitchen CabinetsWorking with bamboo is easy, and whatever can be built with any hard wood can be built with bamboo wood.

That's probably the reason why it is being used for many home décor and furniture products, including bamboo wood floor applications, bathroom furniture, and kitchen cabinet units and kitchen counter tops. The unusual appearance of bamboo cabinets creates a beautifully warm and unique feel in the kitchen, but it works well for bathrooms and other areas of the home's interior, just as it enhances the total space décor with its unusual but aesthetically pleasing grain pattern and texture. Bamboo kitchen cabinets are mainly built using a plywood core, and is referred to as double faced bamboo panels.
The 'bamboo lamination' of the plywood panels comes in two different arrangements. There is the one with matching front and back panels with the bamboo applied either vertically or horizontally, and the other is the double faced cross lamination which has vertical settings on one face, and horizontal settings on the other. Credit: homebaseThe laminated bamboo wood panels also include other materials required for the kitchen cabinet's construction such as the edging (banding) which is required for the panel edges; for a good finishing touch, and the 6mm thick bamboo veneer which can be used just like any other hard wood veneer sheet.
 Finishing Bamboo CabinetsBamboo cabinets can be finished exactly the same way other wood products are finished. Traditional finishing techniques used for wood spraying works well with bamboo wood. Finishing materials commonly used for bamboo cabinet units are:Water based polyurethane finishes sprayed overSanding sealerClear lacquersWood stainsOil based polyurethane finishes As with wood finishing, it is advisable not to use any finish without first applying sanding sealer so that the finish doesn't flake or loosen off the bamboo cabinet surface, especially if impacted with hard objects.
 For a well thought out colour scheme, the bamboo cabinet units can be stained so very lightly (or as deep as is desired), by applying coloured wood stains during the finishing process. For example, for a sunny and lively countryside look, the bamboo kitchen cabinets can be stained with a hint of leaf green, and they can be set against a backdrop of splashes of pristine white and yellows. Bamboo also looks great when lacquered without any stain applied, because the rich natural colour variations of caramel, light or dark bamboo wood are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing as well.
   Popular stains that give a long-lasting finish are tung oil stains, however before applying coloured stains; gasket try the stain on piece of unfinished bamboo wood first. Bamboo does stain differently from other known hardwoods. Bamboo Wood Is Strong & DurableCredit: homebaseOn a final note, whether you reside in a Colonial style home, a modern condominium, or a small elegant house, the chosen kitchen cabinets style is very important and will even add monetary value to your beautiful home.
 Kitchen cabinets made with bamboo wood are very durable and amazingly sturdier than most of todays wood cabinets. In terms of strength, bamboo cabinets are unbelievably stronger than oak wood kitchen cabinets by a whole 25%, and it's stronger than maple wood cabinets by over 15%. Added to that, because bamboo doesn't take in moisture as fast as other hardwoods do, bamboo kitchen cabinets and all other bamboo décor and furniture products are good to use anywhere in the home, including the laundry and the bathroom.
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