How to Properly Store Bottled Water or Water Containers

Published in January 30, 2014.When consumers buy bottled water, they tend to buy three boxes or more at a time because they go to the store every few weeks.Many consumers believe that they store bottled water safely at home and in their cars (cars, SUVs and car homes), including the water they store if their area is in a state of emergency.While many families do not store water for emergencies and only buy water for weekly consumption, our families do buy it in large quantities because we often need it because of where we live.
My sisters and I are all over the East Coast, where we seem to suffer more state of emergency than most places.It\'s not uncommon for any of us to have six boxes osmosis or more of water on hand.The reason I mention this is to point out that the place where you store water is as important as the container where you sell it.
Water displayed at member stores such as local supermarkets, Wal-Mart supermarkets and Sam\'s Club, BJ warehouse and Costco, in hot sun or greenhouse-type buildings, it sits on the slide, let it face temperature changes all day.These shops usually do not bring water to the room overnight, so that in the evening, the temperature in the bottle changes again.If bottled water experiences temperature changes when transported to the store, and when displayed in the store or storage area, the water is contaminated by the type of water container.
When you think you put healthy water in your body, you are actually drinking contaminated water in many cases.Just as there is a warning not to cook food with plastic products in a microwave oven, consumers need to be aware of biphenol a (bisphenol-A) can ooze from any plastic when exposed to temperature changes, mainly heat.The video below points out the appearance of the water displayed by the store under less than ideal conditions.
Not all information on the site is up to date, so outdated information can also be false.But when visitors arrive at a site to find answers to their questions, they don\'t know that.This is an example.WebMD addresses the issue of whether bottled water experiencing temperature changes is contaminated.
Many people who visit their website believe that web md is the \"go\" authority for them to get the latest medical information.I know I consult various topics at least once a week on the website.Many people don\'t know how to judge whether the information of the website is up to date.
com/food-Recipe/news/20081107/bottle-water-faq-on-safety-and-purity?As the URL shows, their page date for bottled water is November 7, 2008.The date appears after the \"news\" and slash.The copyright date on the page is also not updated;it states 2008.
Since then, EPA has updated their position on the temperature change in bottled water to counter the fact that the following statement is untrue.\\\'S website responded to rumors circulating on the Internet that frozen bottled water can cause cancer-causing dioxin pollution.I include it for your reference and use it as part of the whole picture.
Nothing more than \"urban legend \".
Release of chemicals.
Representing a single osmosis industry group-.
In a recent press release, the organization noted that there was any credible evidence.\"The charge has been carried on by email until it became a City legend, but this is not the case.\\\" -end of quote.As you can see, this is not a \"recent news release \".
Since then, we have gained more understanding of the security of the bottling container, because the container recycling code has been implemented, as shown in the following figure.In Florida, our water has been treated very high and every day has to be purified in many cities, even before it is used.The water here is also more expensive than the water in the Northeast states.
For a state surrounded by water on three sides, we pay a very high price for water for residents, which many people think is not good at drinking.Many people who have houses in Florida are residents of other states and only work part-time in winter.Florida residents affectionately call them snowbirds \".
Since they only live here around November, they store water, so the water is at hand when they reach the winter season.Therefore, it is located throughout the spring, summer and autumn when osmosis the temperature changes greatly.To a large extent, each family has an outdoor cabin or garage connected to the home, and items are stored in places that do not require daily use due to limited space.
Water stored in these outdoor areas is not the best place due to temperature changes.Because the tap water is not good to drink, many residents have installed a water purification system in their homes. it uses various chemicals to make the water delicious and soft, so washing the head and bathing is not so harsh.
Culligan soft water has done a very bad thing here because they provide convenient contracts for consumers, so water is always treated.The company provides services to family units twice a year, so it is always pure.This is a boon for snowbirds who have only four to five months of the year.
Since we don\'t like to use chemicals in water, we use a reverse osmosis system because it can purify water without using chemicals, unlike a commercial soft water system like Culligan.We think this is the most cost-effective over time.We put containers full of water in the refrigerator and food storage room because we never know when the water on the tap will suddenly be unavailable or will be contaminated after rain or storm.
The water obtained through the reverse osmosis system stores the water without the added chemicals of a soft water system like Culligan.So it can be stored for a longer period of time.The next video explains how much water at hand is ideal for emergency use.
The second video explains how to process and store a lot of water.We use this method to process and store our reverse osmosis water for emergency use.If you feel the ads on the video are annoying, just click on the X on the ad instead of the X osmosis


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